History and Mandate
Though its history stretches back over 50 years, Trias as an organization is the eventual result of the gradual merger from 2002 of three organisations: Form, Everyone For All and ACT. In 2003 AgriCord accepted membership of Trias as the agri-agency of Boerenbond, the largest farmers association in Flanders, as well as the Landelijke Gilden, Katholiek Vormingswerk voor Landelijke Vrouwen (KVLV), and the Katholieke Landelijke Jeugd (KLJ).
Mission, Vision and Approach
Trias fights worldwide against obstacles that block entrepreneurial people's self-development. We ensure that people work together, without distinction of race, age and gender. By strengthening their farmers' and entrepreneurs' associations, we create a powerful and sustainable lever for higher individual household incomes and for the transformation of entire communities.
Development cooperation is about like-minded people encouraging each other's self-development across all borders. This is why Trias is also a hub for international cooperation between entrepreneurial people. We exchange expertise on the basis of equality, based on the belief that only underprivileged farmers and entrepreneurs themselves can make their own dreams come true.

Kunstlaan 7-8, 1210 Brussel (Belgium)
Tel.: +32 2 548 01 13